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Jiangxi Cedar natural medicinal oil Co., LTD

  • Peppermint oil knowledge

    Peppermint oil knowledge

    Peppermint oil is a volatile oil obtained from fresh stems and leaves of peppermint in the labiaceae family by steam distillation, refreezing and partial brain removal。Peppermint oil is a clear liquid that is colorless or light yellow。


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  • How to preserve peppermint oil

    How to preserve peppermint oil

    Those who often use peppermint oil know that some peppermint oil is very precious, such as peppermint oil, lavender essential oil, rose essential oil, if the essential oil is not well preserved, the loss of the effect is a pity。


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  • How to buy peppermint oil, can get the right one

    How to buy peppermint oil, can get the right one

    Peppermint oil is a commonly used medicine in daily life, where can you buy peppermint oil, peppermint oil is a colorless or light yellow clarified liquid, with a special cool aroma, the taste of the first, after the cold。Although peppermint oil has a wide range of applications, many people do not know what we should do


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  • The price of peppermint oil is now on the market

    The price of peppermint oil is now on the market

    Global peppermint oil prices are mainly produced by India, Brazil and China。In the 1990s, China had the largest mint production area and the largest output, accounting for more than 80% of the world's total。With the rise of China's economy and the long-term downturn in the peppermint oil market, I


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